This page contains the terms and conditions that shall govern your use of Democracy News Live. Users can access the Democracy News Live subjecting to the terms and conditions of use.

1. We reserve the right to add, remove, edit, update, change, or modify these Terms & Conditions at any time.

2. Unless otherwise stated, all Intellectual Property like trademarks, service marks, copyright, and all material presented on the Site (including text, audio, video or graphical images) is our property. You shall have no right title or interest in the Intellectual Property and you shall not claim any right title or interest therein.

3. No part of the Sites may be reproduced, transmitted, edited, and or stored by any other website, blog, curator, or medium, nor may any of its pages without prior written permission. Copying, curating, or storing of content from the Sites for non-personal or third party use is strictly prohibited.

4. The DNL reserves the right to block or remove communications, postings or materials at any time in its sole discretion

5. Users should not use the Services for any unlawful purpose.

6. All the contents of the Sites are for general information.

7. This agreement shall be governed by the Indian Law; the court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out or relating to this agreement.

You agree to abide by all the Terms & Conditions contained herein.  

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