Value, growth, impact: how the lean startup approach can transform social enterprise

Value, growth, impact: how the lean startup approach can transform social enterprise

  • Ann Mei Chang provides a comprehensive framework and extensive case studies for social innovation in her book, Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good.
  • She was earlier Chief Innovation Officer at USAID, Executive Director of the US Global Development Lab, and Chief Innovation Officer at Mercy Corps.
  • The Lean Startup Way, The Lean Startup, Lean Startups for Social Change, A World of Three Zeroes, Do Good, Scaling Up, and The Prosperity Paradox.
  • The steps are: identify assumptions, build an MVP (test riskiest assumptions quickly and cheaply), use validated learning (MVP performance data), build-measure-learn across iterations, and pivot or persevere.
  • It is important for social innovators to move quickly from vision to validation, Ann urges.
  • "What matters is setting our sights high, learning as fast as we can, and finding every possible way to maximise value, growth, and impact," Ann signs off.

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