These IIT students comprise the only Asian team shortlisted for Space X's hyperloop competition
24 March 2019 7:11 PM IST
The world knows that hyperloop may be the future of transportation. And Avishkar Hyperloop, a student team from IIT-Madras, seems on track to cracking the hyperloop code.
- The Avishkar Hyperloop team from IIT-Madras wants to be on top of the hyperloop game.
- The team, which has built a prototype hyperloop pod that would take just 25 minutes to travel from Chennai to Bengaluru, is the only team from Asia to qualify for the International Hyperloop Pod Competition organised by Elon Musk’s Space X.As many as 1,600 teams participated in the first round of the contest.
- Last year, the Avishkar Hyperloop team qualified only for the preliminary design round as one of the 47 teams of the total 1,500 competing teams.
- WARR Hyperloop, from the Technical University of Munich, won the competition in August 2017, clocking 323 km per hour, and again in July 2018 with a speed of 467 km per hour.
- Some members, including Suyash, Ankit, Vinit, Avinash Kumar, Denil Chawda, Nitin Srikar, Rakshit Bhatt, Kalpesh Pawar, and Anshul Singh, have been a part of the team from inception.
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