[Startup Bharat] Made in Hubli: a portable device that makes hearing tests 80 percent cheaper

[Startup Bharat] Made in Hubli: a portable device that makes hearing tests 80 percent cheaper

  • To address this gap, Uday and his wife Remya, also an audiologist, founded Nautilus Hearing.
  • Costing Rs 2 lakh, which is 80 percent lower than the price for devices currently available, the device tests hearing in 10 minutes, and creates a digital diagnostic report, based on which different solutions and treatments can be given.
  • The device is available in two variations - a diagnostic product for certified healthcare practitioners, and a screening device that can used at schools, colleges, NGOs and industries with loud machinery and devices.
  • While organisations like GE Healthcare, Phillips, and Davin are building portable healthcare equipment as well, not all of it is available in remote areas.

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