Large ticket deals drive rise in private equity investments in India this year
7 March 2019 3:17 AM IST
According to reports, private equity and venture capital investments grew 14% in February with investments worth $1.96 billion.The investments are up thanks
- Large ticket deals drive rise in private equity investments in India this year Sanchita Dash Mar 7, 2019, 08.47 AM
- The investments are up thanks to large ticket deals across the country.
- February 2018 February 2019 Total PE/VC investments in $mn 1,401 1,963 January 2018 January 2019 Total PE/VC investments in $mn 2,254 1,719 Data from Venture Intelligence
- That is because of large ticket investments in 2019 that led to the increase in total amount of funding in the first two months of 2019.
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