Adding Diversity to the Startup Nation — Jewish Journal

Adding Diversity to the Startup Nation — Jewish Journal

  • Amir Mizroch, director of communications at Start-Up Nation Central (SNC) in Tel Aviv, is well acquainted with Israel’s “threat from within” but sees it as a solvable problem.
  • SNC pursues two main objectives: to connect Israeli startups with global companies and markets, and to develop untapped “human capital” in Israeli society.
  • It consists of two parallel courses, one for Arab Israelis and one for Charedi women.
  • The sense of community AbuHattoum experienced is often taken for granted by current Israeli tech workers, many of whom come from similar backgrounds and are pipelined into tech careers from the same military intelligence units and universities.
  • At the WeWork offices, as people arrived for the graduation ceremony, many different sectors of Israeli society were represented.

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