Thousands March in Brussels, Demanding Urgent Climate Action as COP28 Talks Kick Off

Thousands March in Brussels, Demanding Urgent Climate Action as COP28 Talks Kick Off

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Brussels on Sunday, demanding urgent action against climate change. The march coincided with the start of the crucial COP28 talks in the United Arab Emirates, where world leaders gathered to discuss climate-related issues. With slogans like "No to climate change, yes to system change" and "We want a liveable and healthy planet" on their posters and placards, the protesters made their voices heard. Despite the chilly temperatures, the crowd showed their determination as they marched to the sound of drums and other musical performances.

The Climate Coalition, a collaboration of 90 civil society organizations, called for the demonstration. Organizers claimed that 25,000 people attended the march, while the police estimated the number to be around 20,000. Nicolas Van Nuffel, the president of the Climate Coalition, stressed the importance of the march taking place at the beginning of the COP28 talks. He said, "We really need international negotiations to move forward." The protesters presented specific demands, including the acceleration of home insulation, the expansion of cycle paths, and increased investment in public transport.

Messages to political leaders were also conveyed by many demonstrators. Nienke, a student, expressed her fears for the future and her desire to live in a safer world. "My future is in danger...I feel so stressed by what will happen to our planet," she said. Agnes, a pensioner, voiced her frustration with politicians, stating that they have not been fulfilling their responsibilities for years. She emphasized that there is no alternative planet and underlined the urgency of the situation. The protest in Brussels served as a powerful reminder of the growing global movement demanding action against climate change. As world leaders gathered for the COP28 talks, the demonstrators sought to push for tangible solutions that would address the pressing environmental issues of our time.

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