Taliban's Ban on Women's Beauty Salons Draws Ire in Afghanistan

Talibans Ban on Womens Beauty Salons Draws Ire in Afghanistan

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has strongly condemned the Taliban’s ban on women's beauty salons. “The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is deeply concerned by the Taliban’s recent decree to close all women’s beauty salons in Kabul and other provinces,” UNAMA said in a statement released on Friday.

UNAMA also said that it is against the International Human Rights Law, which requires that the Afghanistan government protects and promote the rights of all its citizens, including women. The Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs has also condemned the Taliban’s new decision and called for respect for women’s rights.

“The Ministry of Women’s Affairs condemns the Taliban’s decision and calls for respect for the rights of women,” the ministry said in a statement. The Taliban’s decision to ban women's beauty salons has sparked a heated debate among Afghan citizens and civil society activists.

Many Afghan citizens have voiced their concerns over the Taliban’s decision, saying it will further restrict the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. “This is a violation of women’s rights and it will further restrict women’s freedom in Afghanistan,” said Maryam Raza, a civil society activist.

The Taliban’s latest decree has been met with criticism by many Afghan citizens and international human rights organizations, who have called on the Taliban to respect the rights of Afghan women and girls and to allow them to exercise their basic rights.

The Taliban has recently imposed various restrictions on Afghan girls and women, including a ban on going to schools, universities and working at NGOs, as well as going to public areas such as parks, cinemas and other recreation areas.

Despite the criticism, the Islamic Emirate has remained adamant about its decision to ban women's beauty salons in Kabul and other provinces across the country. The Taliban’s decree to ban women's beauty salons in Kabul and other provinces across the country has sparked widespread criticism from Afghan citizens and international human rights organizations.

While the Taliban has remained adamant about its decision, many Afghan citizens have voiced their concerns over the Taliban’s decision, saying it will further restrict the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has strongly condemned the Taliban’s ban, calling it a violation of women’s rights.

The Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs has also condemned the Taliban’s decision and called for respect for women’s rights. It remains to be seen if and how the Taliban will respond to the widespread criticism of its decision.

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