Pope Francis Slams Weapons Industry in Christmas Day Appeal for Peace

Pope Francis Slams Weapons Industry in Christmas Day Appeal for Peace

Pope Francis delivered his annual Christmas Day appeal for peace, lamenting the conflicts and suffering around the world. He took aim at the weapons industry, calling them "merchants of death" and highlighting the increase in arms production and trade, which he said was fueling conflicts with little attention being paid to the interests and profits behind it. He particularly called for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, urging sincere dialogue and political will supported by the international community.

Despite his recent bout of bronchitis, the 87-year-old Francis appeared to hold up well during his speech and blessing, which was attended by about 70,000 people in St. Peter's Square. This marked his main appearance for Christmas Day, as he is expected to deliver a blessing on the feast of St. Stephen and celebrate New Year's Eve vigil and Mass at the basilica.

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