Pakistan NGOs Face Major Challenges in Providing Humanitarian Aid to Desperate Palestinians in Gaza Amidst Blockades and Visa Refusals

Pakistan NGOs Face Major Challenges in Providing Humanitarian Aid to Desperate Palestinians in Gaza Amidst Blockades and Visa Refusals

Non-governmental organizations in Pakistan are ready to provide humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in Gaza, but face major challenges due to a blockade and logistical issues. The situation in Gaza has become desperate after relentless bombing by Israeli forces, leaving millions of people in dire need. However, aid is not being allowed into the besieged enclave. All routes to Gaza from Israel are closed, leaving the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt as the only entry point. However, even that crossing has been rendered inoperable due to Israeli airstrikes.

Aid agencies in Pakistan could potentially enter Gaza through Egypt, but the North African country is refusing visas to Pakistanis. This refusal may be due to fears that granting visas to humanitarian organizations would not sit well with the US. Faisal Edhi of the Edhi Foundation expressed his distress over the situation, stating that all routes to Gaza are sealed, and his heart bleeds for the Palestinians. Amjad Chamdia of the Saylani Welfare Trust added that it is impossible for anyone, even those from neighboring countries, to reach Gaza as the borders are sealed.

The people of Gaza are facing severe shortages of food, water, electricity, and cooking gas. Their lives are being plagued by constant torture and killings. In response to the challenges of sending relief goods to Gaza, some NGOs in Pakistan have collaborated with international organizations to send money instead. The Saylani Welfare Trust has partnered with NGOs from Turkey to help provide aid to the Palestinians. The Trust is also starting a donation drive, which will be used to buy food and aid for those who have managed to escape the besieged enclave.

The Alkhidmat Foundation, the relief wing of Jamaat-i-Islami in Pakistan, has also joined forces with international aid organizations and NGOs with access to the area. They are sending relief goods, including food, water, medical supplies, and other essential items to the Palestinian civilians. The aid organizations emphasized that their goal is purely humanitarian and has no political motives. They are committed to helping the people of Gaza in their time of need. Faisal Edhi expressed his frustration, stating that they are being stopped from providing even basic assistance.

The situation in Gaza is a massive humanitarian crisis, with a total blockade on food, water, fuel, and electricity imposed. Palestinians are looking to their fellow Pakistani Muslims for support, and the aid organizations are appealing for generous donations to help alleviate their suffering. The organizations also condemned the treatment of Palestinians by Israel and the US, stating that they are being treated like animals and that human rights are being ignored. They called on the international community to address the severe human rights atrocities taking place in Gaza. Overall, Pakistani NGOs are determined to provide assistance to the Palestinians in Gaza, despite the challenges they face. They are working towards providing much-needed relief and support to those affected by the ongoing conflict.

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