North Korea Unveils New Submarine with Nuclear Attack Capabilities, Raising Concerns Over Its Potential Threat

North Korea Unveils New Submarine with Nuclear Attack Capabilities, Raising Concerns Over Its Potential Threat

North Korea has announced the development of a new submarine with nuclear attack capabilities, according to state media. The vessel, named Hero Kim Kun Ok, is designed to launch tactical nuclear weapons from underwater.

While the exact number of missiles it can carry and fire has not been specified, satellite images suggest the submarine has at least 10 launch tubes, with four of them appearing larger than the other six. South Korean officials have expressed skepticism about the submarine's capabilities and suggested it may not be ready for operational duty.

However, the development highlights North Korea's continued efforts to extend the range of its nuclear arsenal with more difficult-to-detect systems. It is believed that the submarine is based on 1950s Soviet-origin technology and may have inherent limitations. Experts note that it would take formidable resources and technological improvements for North Korea to build a fleet of several submarines capable of reliably executing attacks.

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