Marble Madness: UK and Greece Clash Over Parthenon Sculptures, PMs Trade Accusations

Marble Madness: UK and Greece Clash Over Parthenon Sculptures, PMs Trade Accusations

The ongoing dispute between the United Kingdom and Greece over the custody of the Parthenon Marbles, also known as the Elgin Marbles, took another turn this week as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak accused his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis of "grandstanding" during a recent visit to London. Sunak canceled a planned meeting with Mitsotakis after claiming that the Greek Prime Minister had broken a promise not to advocate for the return of the sculptures during their meeting.

The cancellation of the meeting has only intensified the briefing war between London and Athens, with Downing Street claiming that Mitsotakis went back on his word regarding the discussion of the sculptures' return. Greek officials, on the other hand, believe that there was never an agreement not to address the issue and argue that Sunak's decision was driven by political expediency. Opposition Labour leader Keir Starmer seized the opportunity to launch a pun-filled attack on Sunak's handling of the situation during a session of prime minister's questions, accusing him of "small politics" and claiming that he had "lost his marbles."

Starmer also criticized the Prime Minister for engaging in arguments about an ancient relic that only a minority of the British public have any interest in, likening it to the internal issues within the Tory party. Despite the escalating tensions, both Sunak and Mitsotakis will be attending the COP28 climate summit in Dubai later this week. The dispute over the Parthenon Marbles adds to broader discussions around the ownership of cultural artifacts and highlights the complexities of diplomatic relations between nations. Time will tell whether this disagreement will have any lasting impact on the bilateral ties between the UK and Greece.

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