Living on the fringes: Ghyara Community of Rajasthan and Haryana


Reporter: Rohit Gandhi Producer: Vrinda Aggarwal

This is the community of Ghyara traditionally ear cleaners that roamed the streets of India. But they have been losing ground as incomes have fallen.

So they moved from the Rajasthan and Haryana to New Delhi. They live in this unhygienic and inhuman existence.
The water board provides these 150 families (average size of six) 5000 litres of water per week. That is 5 litres of water per week per person. So they have to steal and buy water to survive.
These children have to polish shoes on side walks, beg on intersections to get by. This isn't what they enjoy doing. They rather be in schools and play in sports fields. This boy when selling toys on an intersection was hit by a motorcycle and lies here in bed recovering.
They have had no access to schools so far. NGO Lakshayam has been working on their well being helping them get water and getting them education. It's a community that lives on the fringes of your society.

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