Israel Tramples upon UN Resolutions and International Laws: Palestinian Ambassador

Palestine ambassador to India thanks Indian government for their support at the UNGA;

Update: 2017-12-22 09:53 GMT

Slamming Israel and US President Donald Trump over the  recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel, Palestinian Ambassador to India Adnan Abu Alhaija said "Israel thinks that they are a country who is not bound to follow the laws. And they trample upon the resolutions of the UN and Security Council. Obviously, they are doing all this with the support of the US. Israel is the country which fosters cruel forces. They call Palestinians, who has right to resist against the occupiers, terrorists and they are doing propaganda for it all over the world although their cruel forces are committing massive persecution against the Palestinians. Jerusalem will always remain as the capital of Palestine''. 


He was addressing a public meet held at Press Club of India in New Delhi on 21 December. Thanking Indian people and government for standing by Palestine, Alhaija said "the sacrifices of Palestine are innumerable and infinite. But Palestinians need your support and I expect that India will continue to stand by Palestinians as it was previously supporting Palestine. I thank Indian government for all the supports that they lent to Palestine''. 

Commenting on the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel capital, he said "the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is the violation of all agreements accorded between Palestine and Israel and resolution passed in the UN. I express my utter happiness that the whole world is opposing the decision of Trump. But the decision will be shot in the arm for Israel to heighten their oppression and persecution in Palestine".  

Castigating Donal Trump and the US for warning the countries voted against it of aid cut, he further said that the world is in peril. The peril is not because of the recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital but it is because the US President Donal Tump is flexing muscles too much but not showing wisdom. Two days ago, US vetoed the security council resolution favouring Palestine. This is not the first time that the US is vetoing the resolution favoring Palestinians but the new phenomena is that US is threatening those who are standing by Palestinians. 

Therefore, I have to say that the world is in peril.  Staking a claim on the Palestinian land, Alhaija further said "We are living in Palestine for over 5000 years and the history bears testimony that we are the owner of the land. In 1947, the population of Palestine was less than 10 Lakhs. All powerful countries who were well-equipped with arms and ammunition could not shatter our courage and hope at that time. Now, the population of Palestine is around 60 Lakhs and that of Israel is also the same. Even Israel is now well-equipped with every kind of arm and ammunition but it is a fact that we are the real owners of the land. We fought a lot of battles with Greeks, Romanians and now Jews, all they went away but we stayed."  

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