"Illegal immigrants are animals", Trump
It is shocking to hear a US President describing immigrants as animals;
Trump described the illegal immigrants as animals and not humans. He also slammed US laws for being weak to halt illegal immigration.
But Brown disagrees and he rubbished the president's meeting. He accused the US President of gaining cheap popularity. Brown said that "flying in a dozen Republican politicians to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing."
Younger undocumented Citizens
President Trump said for the first time Wednesday that he is open to a path to citizenship for some younger undocumented immigrants known as "dreamers" in an immigration deal being negotiated by Congress, a potential breakthrough in the stalled talks. (washingtonpost.com)
Jim Acosta: Trump today on immigration: "We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law. It's a horrible thing, w… https://t.co/4cMPA4C4tq - 10 hours ago (Twitter)
Sahil Kapur: Trump: "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people… https://t.co/jwjd5aw1yQ - 10 hours ago (Twitter)
In an impromptu discussion with reporters, Trump emphasized that his support of a citizenship path for about 690,000 immigrants would be contingent on securing $25 billion for a wall on the southwest border with Mexico and $5 billion for additional border upgrades. (washingtonpost.com)
He pointed back to comments he made in 2015 opening his campaign, in which he suggested "rapists" came from Mexico, to make an unsubstantiated claim that unprecedented rape was taking place as a so-called caravan of people moved toward the U.S. recently. (cnbc.com)
One of the memos on Tuesday acknowledges that children who arrive at the border alone — "unaccompanied alien children," in government parlance — are entitled to special protections: Unlike other border crossers, whom border patrol agents may deport without a legal hearing, these children must appear before an immigration judge and be interviewed by an asylum officer. (nytimes.com)
A program known as 287(g), named for its section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, allows the Department of Homeland Security to train local and state law enforcement officers to work as de facto federal immigration officers, identifying undocumented immigrants in their communities and jails and turning them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (nytimes.com)
One of the memos released on Tuesday said that those protections had been detrimental to the families of the victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, because those families could not get information about such defendants' legal status, or whether they had been deported, leaving victims "feeling marginalized and without a voice." (nytimes.com)
Trump on Muslim immigrants
"I would suspect that if you're an American citizen traveling back and forth to Libya, you're likely to be subjected to further questioning when you come into an airport," he said. (theatlantic.com)
On Saturday this included individuals who are permanent residents of the U.S. (green-card holders) who were traveling overseas to visit family or for work—though a senior administration official said their applications would be considered on a case-by-case basis. (theatlantic.com)
There have been multiple reports since the executive order was signed of people being prevented from boarding flights; refugees, who had gone through the years-long process before being approved to come to the U.S., stranded in third countries; of Iraqis who had worked for years with the U.S. military being denied entry; of Iranian students stuck overseas; of U.S. tech companies recalling its foreign workers because of the possible impact. (theatlantic.com)
And there have been protests against the order at airports across the country, including at New York's JFK International Airport and Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C. , and the Los Angeles International Airport where lawyers, demonstrators, and the media descended to witness the order's impact. (theatlantic.com)
The ban includes seven majority Muslim countries, but by no means are these states the most populous Muslim countries, nor are they among the top sources of Muslim immigration to the U.S., nor have they produced terrorists in the same numbers as other Muslim countries not on the list. (theatlantic.com)
Anheuser-Busch (BUD), which last year temporarily changed the name of its core Budweiser brand to America, used its ad Sunday to tell the story of its immigrant founder, and the anti-immigrant sentiment he faced when he arrived in America on the eve of the Civil War. (money.cnn.com)
Skilled workers
While foreign markets and finding skilled workers in foreign countries are important to corporate America, the companies risk a backlash by challenging Trump on immigration. (money.cnn.com)
Goldman and other Wall Street firms are waiting to see the new rules that will apply to financial services as Trump moves to overturn the Dodd-Frank act. (money.cnn.com)
While Goldman's statement to employees was in strong opposition to the ban, statements by CEOs of other financial firms, such as JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, stopped short of criticizing it outright. (money.cnn.com)
Under the new directives, the government "no longer will exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement." Immigration agents can now focus on picking up and removing anyone charged with or convicted of any criminal offence, even minor ones, as well as anyone already ordered deported, regardless of whether they have a criminal record. (nytimes.com)
But advocates for unauthorized immigrants said they feared that immigrants who had applied for legal status — in the process divulging they were not here legally — were now in danger of having that information used to deport them. (nytimes.com)
Despicable statement by a world leader
The statements made by Trump on poor immigrant workers represents a sad state of affairs. The world does not expect a US president to fall as low as this. They may not be nationals of your country but they should be still treated with respect. His statements show a poor state of the presidency of the United States of America.