Major League Cricket: A New Pitch for America's Next Sports Sensation or Just a Swing and a Miss?
Major League Cricket, a new professional cricket league in the US, kicks off its inaugural season, aiming to attract South Asian communities and cricket fans from around the world. However, experts believe it may take decades to gain mainstream popularity and profitability.;
About 7,000 people are expected to pack into a former minor league baseball ballpark near Dallas on Thursday night for the first game of Major League Cricket, a new professional cricket league for the United States.
The league aims to tap into the growing South Asian communities in the US, as well as expats from other cricket hotbeds such as the UK, Australia, South Africa, and the Caribbean.
With over 5 million Americans with roots in South Asia, there is potential for a fan base to support the league.
However, experts believe that it will take time for cricket to gain mainstream popularity in the US, and profitability may not come for decades.
The inaugural season of Major League Cricket will be broadcast in cricketing nations around the world, but in the US, viewers will need to subscribe to Willow TV. This new venture hopes to finally catch on cricket in the US, but only time will tell if it will succeed.