UK ranks third for innovation, disruption and technology - UKTN (UK Tech News)

The UK has risen one place, to third, in a global ranking of most promising countries in the world for technology breakthroughs that have a global impact.;

Update: 2019-03-12 10:20 GMT
  • The UK has risen one place, to third, in a global ranking of most promising countries in the world for technology breakthroughs that have a global impact.
  • Ian West, UK head of TMT at KPMG, said: “It is great that the UK’s technology sector is appreciated as the most promising market for technology breakthroughs in Europe, and that London is seen as a major hub for big data, fintech and a variety of digital technologies.
  • This was more than 1.5 times the level invested in fast growth businesses in Germany, and 2.6 times the levels of investment seen by the startup ecosystem in France.
  • The post UK ranks third for innovation, disruption and technology appeared first on UKTN (UK Tech News).

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