Quantica Computacao-First Indian Quantum Startup – Bhagvan Kommadi – Medium

Vision :?To push the quantum computing advancement by creating a cloud developing environment so that every one in the country can take part in this next industrial revolution? Quantum Mechanics is a?;

Update: 2019-01-17 10:14 GMT
  • To solve this, we at Quantica Computacao, the first of its kind startup in India are aspiring to push the advancement in quantum computing advancement by creating a cloud developing environment so that everyone in the country can take part in this next technical revolution.
  • The company is incubated in Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai by one of the institute alumnus, Mr Bhagvan Kommadi along with Mr Aneesh K Johny, Mr Abhijith Anandakrishnan, Ms Ananya Shetty, Mr Rishi Raj, and Mr Ranjeet Nagarkar.
  • We are proudly working under the advisory board of Quantum computing pioneers in India, Prof.
  • Arun Kumar Pati from Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, and Prof.
  • V Panduranga Rao from IIT Hyderabad, India who are the pioneers of Quantum computing in India.

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