How Nigerian business partner tried to bribe, take over my startup - Polish man – Ventureburn

It reads like ?a shitty Hollywood B? film. A Polish entrepreneur has caused by claiming his Nigerian business partners tried to take over his startup and that they used the police to try to arrest and extradite him to Nigeria, while trying to blackmail him of $300 000. Marek Zmyslowski?s post last Thursday (14 February) on Medium has rocked Nigeria?s tech scene. Days later, the hashtag Malek was trending as eighth highest for Nigeria on Twitter on Saturday (16 February). Zmyslowski (pictured above) co-founded Jumia Travel, that quickly became one of the biggest hotel booking sites in Africa, in 2015 he started [...]

Update: 2019-02-17 18:30 GMT
  • A Polish entrepreneur has caused by claiming his Nigerian business partners tried to take over his startup and that they used the police to try to arrest and extradite him to Nigeria, while trying to blackmail him of $300 000.
  • Polish entrepreneur Marek Zmyslowski has caused a storm by claiming shady Nigerian business partners tried to take over his startup and used the police to try to arrest him “Like in a shitty Hollywood B movie, I was quickly given an offer.
  • He claims the man behind the fraud claims is a “very prominent businessman” who along with private investors in Poland and India, helped fund HotelOga (all as minority shareholders) when he left Jumia, with which he was involved with at the time, in 2015 He describes the Nigerian business man, as someone with “his hands in many different sectors, strategic for the Nigerian economy”.
  • He writes that on the day he left Polish custody he received a call from his Nigerian banker who informed him about the police order to freeze his bank accounts.
  • He said he then decided to fight the case and has recruited a team of lawyers from Nigeria, the US and Poland, specialised in international crime and Interpol abuse.
  • Last month he said in a Medium post that the police had not yet paid and he was trying to figure out who he should call to get the amount paid.

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