Bengaluru Folks Turn IPL Flags into Bags, Distribute Them to Vendors for Free!
"It takes us one big flag to stitch one bag, and so they are quite big. With another match scheduled for the end of next week in the Chinnaswamy stadium, we estimate that we will be able to stitch another 2000 bags!" #Respect #Recycle #Reuse More;
- Colourful flags wave across the stadium that can seat close to 40,000 people at a time.
- When Bengaluru imposed the plastic ban in 2016, we involved these women in stitching cloth bags to be given to the street vendors," Venkat Iyer, the founder of Swabhiman, tells The Better India (TBI).
- They hand over the flags to us which our skillful tailors turn into useful cloth bags," the 59-year-old tells TBI.
- We have stitched close to a thousand bags so far," Iyer tells The Better India, adding, "The bags we have made are quite big and it takes one big flag to stitch one bag.
- In between meeting their deadlines, the tailors take out time to stitch the flags.