Violent Protests Rock Belgrade as Opposition Demands Election Annulment

Thousands of protesters in Belgrade demand annulment of recent elections, leading to clashes with police and accusations of violence. Tensions escalate as opposition vows to continue protests.

Update: 2023-12-26 01:23 GMT

On Sunday, in the heart of Belgrade, thousands of protesters gathered to demand the annulment of the parliamentary and local elections that took place a week prior. The protesters, part of the opposition, expressed discontent with the international observers' declaration that the elections had been unfair. As the protests continued, tensions flared, and physical violence erupted, which resulted in eight policemen sustaining injuries and 38 protesters being detained. The protesters were accused of using violent tactics such as throwing stones, clubs, and pyrotechnics at the police, which led to the disruptive evening being dispersed with pepper spray by law enforcement.

Showcasing resilience and determination, the opposition vows to continue the protests with students planning to block traffic as part of the ongoing demonstrations. Furthermore, the opposition has accused the police of using excessive force, and some individuals have shared footage on social networks showing policemen beating men in the streets near the town hall. In addition, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of the Serbian Progressive Party expressed gratitude towards the Russian secret service for providing information on planned activities by the opposition.

Amidst calls for potential Western sanctions against Russia, Serbia has resisted such pressures, highlighting its close and longstanding ties with Moscow. Moreover, an international monitoring mission raised concerns about the unfair advantage gained by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party through media bias, the improper influence of President Aleksandar Vucic, and voting irregularities during the elections.

Nevertheless, Serbian authorities have denied any irregularities in the elections. With continued unrest and clashes between the opposition and law enforcement, the situation remains volatile. As tensions rise, the National Security Council of Serbia has condemned the breach into the City Assembly, emphasizing the importance of upholding the constitutional order and the rule of law.

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