Swedish EU Diplomat Faces Death Penalty in Iran: Accused of Intelligence Cooperation and Corruption

Swedish EU diplomat, Johan Floderus, faces accusations of engaging in intelligence cooperation with Israel and committing corruption on earth in Iran, a charge punishable by death. Floderus' arrest adds to existing tensions between Iran and the European Union.

Update: 2023-12-10 23:14 GMT

Swedish EU diplomat, Johan Floderus, has been accused by Iranian authorities of engaging in extensive measures against the country's security, carrying out intelligence cooperation with Israel, and committing corruption on earth, according to the judiciary's Mizan Online news agency. Corruption on earth is considered one of Iran's most serious offenses and is punishable by death. Floderus, 33, who works for the European Union diplomatic service, was arrested on April 17, 2022, at Tehran airport as he was returning from a trip. He is currently held in Tehran's Evin prison.

Iranian prosecutors claimed that Floderus had collected information on Iran's nuclear and enrichment programs, conducted subversive projects for Israel, and established a network of Swedish intelligence agents. They also accused him of having connections with the European Union and the exiled opposition group, the People's Mujahedin. The trial date is yet to be announced. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, and Sweden's Foreign Minister, Tobias Billstrom, have both called for Floderus' immediate release, stating that there are no grounds for his detention.

Floderus' arrest has further strained the relationship between Tehran and Stockholm, following the execution of Iranian-Swedish dissident Habib Chaab in May and the ongoing detention and pending execution of academic Ahmadreza Djalali. Several other Europeans, including four French citizens, are also currently being held in Iran. The European Union's relations with Iran have deteriorated since the US withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, resulting in the EU imposing new sanctions on Iran and accusing it of providing drones to Russia for the Ukraine war, which Iran denies.

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