Ecuador captures Colombian men tied to assassination of anti-corruption crusader, highlighting country's crime crisis

Colombian men detained for investigation into the murder of Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, exposing the country's escalating crime rates and challenges for its next leader in addressing gang and cartel influence.

Update: 2023-08-14 05:39 GMT

Ecuador will detain six Colombian men for at least a month as they investigate their role in the killing of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who dedicated his life to fighting crime and corruption. The assassination, which occurred just days before a special election, highlighted the challenges that Ecuador's next leader will face in addressing the surging crime rates linked to gangs and cartels in the country.

The suspects were captured hiding in a house in Quito, and law enforcement officers seized weapons and ammunition from the scene. Villavicencio had been vocal about the threats he faced from international organized crime groups, particularly the Sinaloa cartel.

Ecuador has become a hub for drug smuggling due to its geographical location and has seen a significant increase in violence in recent years. The country recorded its highest number of violent deaths in history in 2022. The killing of Villavicencio demonstrates the risks faced by those who stand up against corruption and illegality in Ecuador.

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