Al Jazeera Denounces Egypt's Unjust Reinstatement of Journalists on Terrorism List

Al Jazeera condemns the reinstatement of its journalists on Egypt's terrorism list, calling for the protection of press freedom and urging international pressure to halt the violation of rights.

Update: 2023-07-26 06:39 GMT

Al Jazeera Media Network has strongly condemned a recent decision by an Egyptian court to reinstate several of its journalists and TV presenters on the country's "terrorism list."

The network has called on the Egyptian authorities to reconsider their actions, highlighting the importance of preserving journalistic work and safeguarding freedoms.

In addition, Al Jazeera has urged the United Nations and international human rights organizations to exert pressure on Egypt to halt the arbitrary listing of journalists and oppose such violations of rights and liberties.

Egypt's "terrorist list" undergoes renewal every five years, subjecting individuals included in the list to a range of restrictions including a travel ban, asset freeze, and passport cancellation.

The recent ruling, issued by the Cairo Criminal Court and disseminated in the official al-Waqai’ al-Masriya newspaper, has prompted Al Jazeera to describe the reinsitution of its journalists on the roster as an "unjust categorization." The media network is also demanding the swift release of its journalists Rabee al-Sheikh and Bahaa al-Din Ibrahim, along with other imprisoned journalists in Egypt.

Rabee al-Sheikh and Bahaa al-Din Ibrahim, both Al Jazeera journalists, were arrested separately while visiting their families in Egypt. They were charged with joining a "terrorist group" and spreading false news. Bahaa Al-Din Ibrahim was arrested in February 2020 at the Borg El Arab Airport in Alexandria, while Rabee Al-Sheikh was arrested in August 2021 upon arrival at Cairo International Airport.

Mahmoud Hussein, another journalist from the network, was released in 2021 after over four years in detention without formal charges or trial. Mary Lawlor, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, has emphasized that the imprisonment of journalists should not occur. Lawlor stated that the misuse of Egypt's anti-terrorism law necessitates necessary amendments.

The Arab Observatory for Media Freedom has also denounced the policy of placing journalists on "terrorist lists," asserting that it severely hampers their media activity and limits their freedom of movement. The organization noted that these repressive measures are part of a larger system aimed at depriving Egyptians of a free and pluralistic media, ensuring a monopoly on information.

Global rights group Human Rights Watch has labeled Egypt's "terrorism list," introduced in 2015, as a mockery of due process because the consequences for designated "terrorists" are akin to those convicted after a trial. On the tenth anniversary of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's tenure earlier this month, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) named Egypt one of the world's largest jailers of journalists.

RSF reported that over the past decade, at least 170 journalists have been imprisoned, dozens have been arbitrarily arrested and interrogated, and six journalists have been killed. The plight of journalists in Egypt serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding press freedom and protecting the rights of those working in the media industry.

It is crucial for international organizations, governments, and civil society to join forces in pressuring Egypt to respect these fundamental principles and ensure the release of journalists unjustly incarcerated.

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