Make your life easier with a capsule wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes- a medicine to ailing fashion;

Update: 2018-06-25 11:30 GMT

Imagine having a closet that isn't jam packed with clothes, half of which don't fit anymore, the rest of which you haven't worn in a lifetime. Now replace it with a sparsely populated wardrobe, with clothes you absolutely love. A wardrobe which is easy to clean and saves the time and energy you spend on trying to dress up every morning. A capsule wardrobe is your solution to all your dressing problems. From getting dressed, to organising your wardrobe, to cleaning it out or getting rid of the clothes you don't use anymore, the concept of having a capsule wardrobe will simplify the whole ordeal.

The term 'capsule wardrobe' was coined by Susie Faux in the 1970s, the owner of a London based boutique called 'Wardrobe'. Reaching it's peak point in 1985 when Donna Karan introduced her collection of interchangeable workwear attire called "Seven Easy Pieces", this trend has been afloat ever since. A capsule wardrobe doesn't mean you have to have only the numbered pieces, workout clothes and loungewear as separate clothing.

Some of the various plus points of switching over from your overcrowded closet to a capsule wardrobe today itself are;

1. It changes your fashion framework

This wardrobe tends to provide an easy framework, which in turn makes the process of shopping and getting dressed easier. You no longer have to wonder what matches or not. A capsule wardrobe can be made with pieces ranging from 10 to 50. You can build it according to your body shape and your personal preferences.

2. Quality over quantity!

Impulsively buying and hoarding clothes that you don't need leads to a situation where you have quantity more than quality, because you cannot keep buying expensive clothes, so you begin to compromise on quality. Once you familiarise yourself with this capsule wardrobe concept you realise the value of quality and so you look at your clothing as an investment and only purchase very few items that you end up using rather than buying cheap clothes that you end up throwing out or donating after a few months of use.

3. Seasonal switches of your wardrobe

The process of switching from your summer closet to your winter one, can be a time consuming and a tiring process. A Capsule wardrobe brings the entire concept of all-season items that you don't need to switch out as soon as winter ends and that you can use each and every item, winter through to summer. Having a certain amount of clothing gives space to store  some unconventional pieces and not having the need to take them out to make space for simpler clothes making the process of organisation of your wardrobe easy.

4. Utilising time and money

Investing in good quality essentials such as jeans, skirts, sweaters, sneakers, blazers etc for your capsule wardrobe makes it difficult to spend on things you don't necessarily need. Trying out clothes in stores, seeing what fits you best and ensuring you buy what looks the most flattering on you. You can take the help of a friend or stylist, if required while building your capsule wardrobe.

Spending some time in the beginning to build your wardrobe will ensure that you have to spend neither your time nor your money when you shop again.

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